Get Started

All you need to get started is:

  1. Purchase the Go Disciple Workbook HERE

  2. Get access to each weekly video HERE


  1. Select a start date for your small group after everyone has received their material.

  2. Find a meeting time that works for your group. Usually early in the mornings are best.

  3. Make the start date for your reading on a Monday

Ideas for weekly meetings:

  1. Start each meeting with prayer. Ask God to guide your discussion through the work of the Spirit.

  2. Discuss the reading and the workbook. What did God speak to you about this week?

  3. Watch the video during the session. If that does not work, watch the video before you meet.

  4. Discuss the video.

  5. Close in prayer for one another.

  6. Try to keep the meeting close to an hour. Be respectful of each other’s time.